We’re making 2020 the year of being the Best Dispensary in Washington State

We wanted to announce an exciting change that is coming to all Evergreen Market stores. One piece of feedback we’ve heard from a large part of our customers through after visit surveys is the green slip system doesn’t feel as efficient as it could be. We agree, and in order to remain the best dispensary in Washington State we have upgraded!

If you’ve been to our Kirkland or Bellevue stores than you’ve already seen the new system in action. Starting at our North Renton location on Jan. 27th, we will be rolling out a new system.

Why is this so exciting?

No more green slips!

  • Instead of writing it down, our staff will be equipped with ipads to streamline your order to be fulfilled.

Oh, the accuracy!

  • With this system we’ve seen the number of wrong items in an order & product returns go down.

Full budtender attention!

  • No need for a budtender to run and check a price or if something is in stock, the information is right in the palm of their hands.

After the roll out of the new system is done in our North Renton location, it will be implemented in South Renton & Auburn as well. The implementation should be complete in all stores around the beginning of March. We’re so pumped on this step forward and truly believe it’s the next step in continuing to be the best dispensary in Washington.

We want to thank you in advance for your patience during this transition and for giving us the feedback that allows us to do better!

– Your Evergreen Market Team

Discover a Higher Quality of Life.

Want to see our Menu? Order Online and Pick up at the Express Window!